3D models are created in virtual environment using digital tapestry

3D technologies are extensively used in aerospace industry. At the beginning of experiments about 80% of all material were wasted or spoiled during the printing process. Today the figures are much lower.
At the beginning of October 2013 company Lockheed Martin Space Systems presented Digital tapestry. This is a step towards improvement of digital technology. What is digital tapestry? This is a special digital environment that combines design and manufacturing. It has a special name - "Collaborative Human Immersive Laboratory" (CHIL), where designers can manipulate parts or even entire machines to see how they go together and operate. Simply put, CHIL allows you to create real objects made of 3D models.
With CHIL researchers can work together and collectively solve the problem. The model can be changed in the virtual space, and tested. This allows you to save money and time creating 3D object.
Space Systems works at possibility of using 3D printing to create the satellite parts from titanium. The process is closely correlated with the technology of digital tapestry. Vice president for production Dennis Little said the company aims to digitalize production. With the help of new technology cycle time and costs are significantly reduced.
In the video you see the use of digital technology by Lockheed Martin in the process of working on satellite systems and missiles.