3D Print Expo 2014. Results

3D Print Expo 2014. Results

On February 13-14, 2014 ECC "Sokolniki" in Moscow hosted a grand opening of the first Russia’s specialized exhibition of advanced 3D printing and 3D scanning technology 3D Print Expo. The show created furor in the Russian market and for two days brought together more than five thousand people.

The largest mass media called 3D printing one of the main technological trends of recent years, which is capable of making revolution in almost every sphere of human activity - from art, cooking and architecture to medicine, science and education.

"The exhibition shows that today is the right time to do business in 3D printing. Many things have changed over the past six months. "First of all we can say that this market has finally appeared. And although we started a little later than West did, and mostly we adopt practices of America, China, Europe, but we are nevertheless encouraged by the fact that Russian manufacturers finally got into gear. Exhibition also featured domestic manufacturers of printers. This is a huge step forward. I am sure that in the nearest future there will be software solutions in Russian and professional printers that will make a worthy competition to Western manufacturers", Asya Arutyunyan, exhibition participant and speaker of 3D Print Expo conference, told reporters.

Over 40 companies took part in 3D Print Expo: Profit Solutions, Scanetix, SIU System, BQ, Moscow Aviation Institute, 3Dquality, Cybercom, 3D Systems, Fabbers, Prototypster, Cvetnoi mir, Be in 3D, LikeNiti, iGo3D, 3Dmint, College of Entrepreneurship №11, Printers3D.ru, REC, CubicPrints, Madrobots, 3DCORP, Stima, abs3D, 3Dprintus, 3DRU, Certus, Megapolis group, ESUN, 3DPlemya, Print 3DSPB, SEM, Baltexim, 3dmarket, Irwin, Atelier 3D and others.

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Due to the fact that the exhibition was held for two days - business day and visitors’ day, participants were able to effectively coordinate their work in accordance with basic needs of visitors. On the first business day, exhibitors worked with a large number of industry representatives to further cooperate with them, and on the second day exhibitors secured orders from mass customer for customized equipment and services.

In addition to exposition, exhibition included conference, lounge-zones, presentation areas, Chocolate Festival – and everything operated non-stop. Visitors tested 3D equipment and purchased showpieces. Many visitors took an occasion to print their own unique souvenir - to create 3D copy of themselves.

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On February 14th, that is on Valentine's Day, confectioners organized feast of taste and love at Chocolate Festival and printed chocolate hearts in memory of 3D Print Expo. Everyone could enjoy refined products created with 3D printer and other advanced technologies.

As regard to educational part of the program, 3D Print Expo conference engaged top scientists, experts, developers and suppliers to discuss a number of important issues in the six major thematic enclaves:

  • 3D printing. New business opportunities.
  • Innovation in production processes and applications.
  • Marketing of 3D printing: how, where and out of what you can earn.
  • Personal 3D printers: from play game to jewelry.
  • Should one be afraid of technology? 3D weapons as an example of the reverse of the coin.
  • 3D printers in social sphere: education, science.

In total, the conference presented 19 reports, reports of the following speakers gained special attention of the audience:

  • Michael Sorkin, iGo3D GmbH (Germany), on the theme "The first steps into the 3D printing retail";
  • Oleg Giyazov, RRT Global, a report on "Acceleration of production process with digital 3D printing technology";
  • Alla Aspidova, Consistent Software Distribution, master class on "Reverse-engineering for beginners" ;
  • Constantine Ivanov, 3DPrintus, reported on "Platform for personal 3D printing - simple interface for access to opportunities 3D production provides";
  • Umberto Giraudo, Lecturer of British Higher School of Art&Design, reported on "3D Printing 3.0: prospects , future scenarios and technological problems";
  • Boris Shpirt, 3Dfactor, report on "Peculiarities of national 3D printing of people."

Moderators of the conference were Constantine Ivanov and Boris Shpirt

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Constantine Ivanov

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Boris Shpirt

Another pleasant discovery for participants of 3D Print Expo was presentation stand of graphic designers Alexander Hollander, Maxim Kashyrsky and sculptor from Serbia Dusko Boynovich. Together with SIU Systems they presented unique art projects: innovative money with portraits of Russian inventors and scientists; Olympic cup; sculpture themed on the cartoon "The Golden Antelope"; tiara "Musicoflove" with notes of song by Louis Armstrong "A kiss to build a dream" with embedded crystals created specifically to St. Valentine's Day.

"3D Print Expo is a unique event because it is the first exhibition of 3D printing in Russia. I learned about it back in September, and even then I thought that I simply have to show not technological but artistic side of 3D printing. Indeed, 3D printing is an advanced technology that has a lot of spheres of application. I would even call it modern alchemy. 50 years ago this no one could even imagine anything like this, although there were some developments already done. Today many projects are preserved for later with patents, but soon there will be a real boom.

I would like to summarize the phrase ascribed to Shakespeare: "Everything is there, would be willing mind." Technology is already there, but people still entertain with "bracelets". But everything is  progressing. I was fascinated with such products about six months ago, now they seem to me child's play in comparison with those opportunities that I know today. I see 3D printing technology as much more than covers for iPhones," Alexander Hollander said.

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