3D printed MORI folding bike concept by Janus Yuan

The MORI Folding Bike is a concept bike designed by designer Janus Yuan who wants to create a super cool bike of the future.
Based on statistic in America, only 25% of bicycle riders in the city are women. This is due to most of the bike that are designed specially for existing cyclists and few of them are for non-riders and women in the city. According to the designer, the characteristics of a bike for female users should be light weight, easy to use, beautiful, versatile and small enough for user to carry and storage.
Therefore Yuan created MORI Folding Bike. This concept bike, which is still on paper and has not yet been put into production, aims to expand the market of potential bike riders, especially in an urban environment where people find a compact bike extremely useful. The functionality of the 3D printable folding bicycle will also appeal to most of female users.
Using 3D printing technology, users can design the look of their 3D printed bike, and choose their favorite personal pattern, color and texture.
You can easily transform this bike from bicycle, scooter, trolley, folding to fashion. MORI folding bike is your perfect daily companion, from going to work, shop, to ride home, notes the designer.