3D printers have made a WOW effect on Robotics Expo in Moscow

You have a beautiful delicate yellow case for iPhone, don’t you? If you don’t, then you have not been to exhibition of robotics and advanced technology Robotics Expo, which took place on 24-25 October in ECC "Sokolniki". It is where event participants tested the novelty of Russian engineers - 3D printer.
Printers3d.ru, company from St. Petersburg specializing in RepRap (ReplicatingRapid-Prototypera - self-replicating mechanism for rapid prototyping) technology and providing its customers with expert technical support, brought 3D printing machines to the exhibition.
At the exhibition stand of 3D Print Expo two printers were presented. Audience watched the operating principle of 3D printers in real time mode.
In front of everybody the machine printed a variety of amusing shapes: souvenirs, spare parts, figurines, and the most popular among visitors - brand new cases for IPhones. Visitors have calculated that it took 75 minutes to print figurine of owl, one hour and twenty minutes to print souvenir frog, to print one case for iPhone 5 one needs an average of 2 hours, and for iPhone 4S - two and a half hours.
The material used for production is usual plastic - ABS plastic. Depending on the quality of plastic, 1 kg of such plastic costs from 1000 to 3500 RUB. The novelty conquered everybody without exception. "Printing a case for iPhone or any models in an hour or half an hour - it certainly makes an impression," - visitors to the booth were saying.
"It has been a while we have noticed that 3D-printing technology has a "wow effect" and effects the spectator like magic. It is not surprising, that today all the attention at the show is focused at our stand
We surely need 3D exhibition to fully develop the possibilities of this technology. Now Russian media often speaks about 3D technology, however, at best 10 % of my friends are aware of 3D printing. But if you tell people about 3D printing, and what can be done today with its help, it can be useful for half of the audience. Exhibitions clearly stimulate 3D printing. Therefore, we will be glad to take part in 3D Print Expo to be held in February 2014"- Eugene Belosludtsev, CEO Printers3D.ru, told reporters.
In the words of Eugene, 3D-printing appeared only 10-12 years ago, but today it is applicable in almost every area, from industrial sphere to entertainment. Depending on your needs, you can print everything. Everything you should have is a 3D-model that can be designed in any program such as 3D MAX, Maya etc.
During two exhibition days endless flow of visitors to the booth proved that 3D printing in Russia is an incredibly promising and interesting direction.
Company Printers3D.ru will again present its stand on exhibition of advanced technology and 3D printing «3D Print Expo» to be held February 12-14 in ECC "Sokolniki".
Looking forward to seeing you!