3D Printing and Scanning Conference now in Almaty!

3D Printing and Scanning Conference now in Almaty!

Dear friends, Kazakhstan will host conference of advanced three-dimensional printing and scanning technology - 3D Print Conference!

"Smile Expo" - organizer of the event - decided to hold thematic conference in Kazakhstan - in Almaty, which is a cultural, financial and economic center, and the only city with population exceeding one million in the country. We believe that 3D printing and scanning as one of the most promising business areas will be of interest for businessmen and entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan.

Conference of advanced 3D printing and scanning technology in Kazakhstan will be held on 29 May 2014. Mission of the event is to provide answers to all the issues of 3D printing and scanning technology that is now used in various industries and is competitive and most cost-effective.

In February Moscow hosted Exhibition and Conference of advanced 3D printing and scanning technology 3D Print Expo. The event was attended by a large number of visitors not only from Russia, but also from neighboring countries. Such interest in exhibition, and in particular in its business part – conference, made it clear for organizers that the hype around 3D technology is only growing, and it is far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation.

Attend 3D Print Conference to get to know:
• the current and future of 3D printing and scanning industry;
• how 3D printing and 3D scanning can help your business;
• innovations in production processes and areas of application of 3D printing;
• how, where and out of what you can earn.

In addition, within the framework of the Almaty conference workshops are scheduled, when all participants will have the opportunity to try in practice almost all of the material covered. For example, students will investigate the operating principles of 3D printer and scanner, will take part in interactive activities etc.

At this stage, conference organizers work at attracting new participants and foreign experts, so that the main surprise is yet to come. Keep an eye out for our announcements, and you're the first to know what awaits visitors of 3D Print Conference in Almaty on May 29, 2014.

More information:


+7 (495) 212-11-28

[email protected]

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