3D Printing Brings The Sight Back To Visually Impaired People

3D Print UK announced they have been working on a project that could help visually impaired to see the world again.
The idea is to simplify a visual field, by imaging a basic pixel set in lenses embedded into the pair of 3D-printed glasses.
Pixels are imaged with the brightness equivalent to the distance between each vision spot. Here’s how it works:
The key is to change perception, but not to return vision to a person. This may be possible by sensing the movement. Camera and sensors recognize objects in the room and reflect them on the OLED display in the basic colors, which shows closer objects in more bright light and darken the distant ones. In such a way, a person senses the objects dimension depth that has previously been a dark area.
This enhances the space perception allowing user to know his/her way around some places, say a crowded street.
With the development of elect
ronics and software, the potential has been growing much. Its possibilities can be applied in such projects as this one, aiming to improve people’s lives.