Belgorod Pupils Will Learn to Work on 3D Printers

In the Belgorod region hundred schools and 30 colleges will receive 3D printers. The equipment will be purchased in Voronezh by means of extra budgetary funds. According to the press service of the governor and the regional government, each printer costs about 80 thousand rubles, but in some schools the new devices will already appear on the 1st of September.
Let us remind that the idea of teaching 3D modeling belongs to the regional governor Yevgeny Savchenko. A few months ago, he visited the Innovation Center in Belgorod Technological University and saw a 3D printer for the first time. As part of its "message" to the deputies of the regional Duma, the head of the region offered patrons to purchase printers for schools, and then came to the conclusion that technical colleges should also be equipped with them.