Rexroth Bosch Group Expert to tell about new 3D technologies at 3D Print Expo 2017

On October 14, 3D Print Expo 2017 conference will feature the report of Konstantin Chernov, a representative of the international company Bosch Rexroth. The topic of his report is Experience and technology of Bosch Rexroth for developers and manufacturers of household and industrial 3D printers.
Konstantin Chernov is an engineer at Rexroth Bosch Group, one of the world's largest manufacturers of drives and control systems. The company focuses on the solutions development for industrial automation, and supplies 80 countries with its components. Bosch Rexroth also actively cooperates with manufacturers of industrial 3D printers: Norsk Titanium AS, Voxeljet, etc.
Using the example of a successful case, the speaker will talk about the development of an industrial 3D printer of a new generation.
Theses of the report:
- control system architecture of industrial 3D printer;
- what mechanical and electrical characteristics 3D printer will have if the Bosch Rexroth component base is applied;
- specificity of the development of large-format industrial 3D printers.
The report is designed for companies that are planning to develop the first Russian industrial 3D printer.
To learn about the new Bosch Rexroth technologies, visit 3D Print Expo 2017 on October 13-14.