What to expect from 3D Print Expo in 2018? A large-scale event dedicated to 3D technology to be held in Moscow again

On October 12-13, Moscow will hold 3D Print Expo, one of the largest events in Eastern Europe dedicated to additive technologies and 3D scanning. It is organized by the international company Smile-Expo that always stays tuned with the industry to present the latest achievements at exhibitions.
Why is 3D Print Expo better now? Let us take a look at 4 reasons not to miss the exhibition this year.
Reason № 1: a bigger territory – a more large-scale exhibition
Moscow is to hold 3D Print Expo for the sixth time – and the event is even larger now! This year, booths will cover 600 m2 for 5000 attendees. Not only domestic and European brands but also Chinese market representatives will present own products.
What to see at the exhibition:
• 3D equipment;
• CNC machines;
• 3D printing materials;
• robotics and VR;
• 3D printing software.
At the exhibition area, attendees will be able to find out about the company’s activity and get a consultation on the presented products.
Smile-Expo always takes into account attendee preferences. By popular demand of the guests of the previous events, 3D Print Expo increased the number of professional and industrial exhibitors.
Reason № 2: an expanded workshop area
3D Print Expo expands a workshop area adding more interactive activities.
Joining our workshops, you will:
• use a special program to create 3D models;
• print 3D models;
• choose sound printing materials ;
• work with 3D printing software.
At the exhibition, you will also be able to attend a specially designed area for drawing with 3D pens. Taking part in free workshops, you will learn to work with an innovative 3D tool. People of any age, profession, experience, and skills for working with 3D equipment can participate in them.
Reason № 3: the first open lecture zone dedicated to 3D technologies
One of the organizers’ aims is to attract attention of the maximum number of people to the advanced technology that changed our life.
That is why for the first time the exhibition will include a lecture zone. The speakers will present case studies and discuss the burning topics of the industry.
Here is the list of the speakers:
• Fedor Antonov, СЕО at ANISOPRINT;
• Evgeny Molchanov, Commercial Director at RENA SOLUTIONS;
• Irina Suvorova, Sales Director at RENA SOLUTIONS, and other experts.
The event will also comprise roundtables on the following topics:
• ‘Training of specialists for the industry of additive technologies’;
• ’Best practices in the implementation of additive technologies in 2018’.
Coffee breaks will be a great opportunity to relax and converse with like-minded individuals. Drawings of unusual prizes are also part of the exhibition.
Reason № 4: freebies
Modern art fans, 3D Print Expo is preparing something interesting: an art gallery with unusual 3D exhibits ranging from clothing accessories to space mini-figures.
3D Print Expo is a multi-marathon of exhibits, lectures, presentations, and workshops gathering many 3D fans.
Ready for such an event? Hurry up to register to the exhibition! As part of the ‘early birds’ special offer, the first hundred attendees will get a 40% discount for a ticket.
Ticket price for the first 100 attendees – 300 RUB.
Ticket price until 01.09.18: 500 RUB.
Date: October 12-13, 2018.
Venue: Moscow, Sokolniki ECC (pavilion № 2).
Explore the event website to find out more