ColorFabb announces new brassFill 3D printing filament

Officially launched in 2013, ColorFabb is a popular filament brand produced by Helian Polymers in The Netherlands. The company offers a variety of different, innovative 3D printing filaments. Today the colorFabb team announced a new addition to its special filament portfolio: brassFill.
"Early 2015 we will finish the development of a completely new grade, brassFill." notes ColorFabb.
Based on a completely new prorietary PLA formulation the all new brassFill has unique properties for desktop 3D Printing, providing the possibility to polish 3D Printed parts into shiny golden objects.
The filament has a greenish matt surface very similar to the bronzefill structure.
The pictures below show two 3D Printed objects printed in brasshFill on an Ultimaker2 at 195C, which were then polished by a professional polishing company.
The new brassFill will go through an intensive test procedure in the next two months and ColorFabb estimates first deliveries of the new 3D printing material are expected to begin by end of February 2015.
Pre-order is scheduled to start by end of January 2015.