Cubic Prints and Make it! Show Contest

3D printing service CubicPrints and festival Make it! Show have announce a contest for 3D printed life hacks.
Invent your life simplifying object and it will be print on a 3D printer! The contest is open both for inventors having the skills of 3D modelling and for just resourceful people with a rich imagination.
Title “Let's make it in 3D!”
1. Invent the concept of a device being useful for the everyday life in the format "If I had a 3D printer ..."
The main goal of the device is to be as helpful as possible and to facilitate the everyday life. Furthermore, the invented device must be printable on a 3D printer. Participants of the contest should invent life hacks. If they are capable of 3D modelling, they should send a 3D model of their invention to the contest, if not, they should send a text or video with a description of their idea.
2. The choice of winners and prizes
The works of three winners will be printed on an industrial 3D printer of polyamide (a flexible and durable plastic) and presented at the festival Make it! Show on the stand of CubicPrints with the indication the author and a description. Then the works will be given out to their inventors. The gold medallist will also be awarded a certificate for CubicPrints services of 3D printing.
The contest is held in a social network "Vkontakte" in the group of the festival Make it! Show:
Please send the contest ideas to an e-mail: [email protected]
Subject of the e-mail: CubicPrints and Make it! Show Contest. Please indicate the name of the project, full name of the author and the description of the life hack in the body of the e-mail, and attach a 3D model, if any, in STL format.
A joint jury of CubicPrints and Make it! Show will choose 3 winners. At the same time those who have sent a 3D model of the device and those who have originally introduced a successful idea of a 3D model, both have an equal chance of winning.
The contest period is from June 20 to August 10.
The results of the contest will be announced on August 14.
3. Specifications for the 3D models
Life hacks of the winners will be printed of polyamide, so models that can be made of this material without losing its qualitative properties are accepted to take part in the contest.
Read the requirements for creating models of polyamide here.
Please read carefully the model size limitations. The maximum size of a model should not exceed 120 cm3.
To participate in the contest the models should be solid andshould not contain errors in the geometry, and the file size should not exceed 30MB. The files in STL format are only accepted.