The highest 3D printed skyscraper is in Dubai!

Project of the tallest building in the world was presented in Dubai (UAE) - 3D printed tower model, with the height of no less that a three-story building.
An architectural masterpiece Dubai Creek Harbor Tower is a 1 km tall skyscraper. The plan is to print it by 2020, using 3D printing technologies.
The model weighs 3 tons, and is going to take 4,000 machine-hours to manufacture. Cost of the model is not disclosed. And it is only assumed for the building to be worth 1 billion dollars or more.
At the moment, it is being actively constructed. In a short period of time, the workers managed to set a couple of records for the number of consumables:
• 9 km piles for strengthening the foundation;
• 45 thousand cubic meters of concrete;
• 110 km of cable for wiring.
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