Human 3D ClonesIn Russia

One studio, providing human 3D cloning services, has opened in Saint-Petersburg. It has been founded by the Lenin Craft start-up team. Designers offer their customers to buy a personal 3D miniature copy for 5,000 RUB. That’s a pretty exotic business that could be very successful because Russian market is ever more interested in household 3D printers.
Lenin Craft is a team of fellow students who have founded 3D studio of industrial design called Omegadesigngroup just two years ago. During the first year of operation their business has reached a volume of 1 mn RUB per month – that’s when they’ve decided to focus on new areas. British My3DTwin website and Japanese company Omote 3D with their service of printing the customers’ 3D figurines served some good example. Both companies use 3D scannerand digital capture technology that allows to recreate imagery in the form of a human miniature sculpture.The end product is ready in a week. Japanese charge $260 min, whereas their British colleagues provide services for $120.
But Russian developers have found a way to produce miniatures faster and cheaper. Omega design group decided to usecameras instead of scanners. Company specialists created a special software allowing to make clone in two days. The copy is an exact human replica with all facial features and even the structure of cloth being recapped.
Saint-Petersburg’s studio has a special platform rotating a customer while several cameras take snapshots. Later, special program forms single model out of all photos. Clients can see it and write feedback in real time to make it more creative. After the final adjustment and client’s approval, the model is 3D printed and delivered the next day.
The usual price is 5,000 RUB but businessmen say it will be reduced to 1,500 RUB. In case an individual project requires some additional work, the price couldgo higher. In the future, Omega design group plans to print busts.
Project team and people involved in start-up were the first to get a printed figure.
Specialists want to take 3D cloning to the industrial scale. They even talk about making a booth with automated scanning system, sending a model to designer or to 3D printer. Such project will cost 150,000 RUB. Lenin Craft has already made an agreement with iMarussia! creative center to supply booths.
So far, Lenin Craft team aims to install them in entertainment centers in the course of various campaigns and special events. The project requires investments of one million rubles min to become more spread.
Plastic surgery clinics, museums, architectural agencies and auction houses could become an additional source of income for Lenin Craft, because they might gain benefit form 3D modeling.