3D technology conquers the world, and 3D Print Conference. St. Petersburg conquers northern capital

Firsthand information about 3D printing
If you use search query «3D printing Saint Petersburg», Google finds over 20 studios, offering their services. Despite the fact that technology appeared in the mass market only 3 years ago - growth dynamics of Russian 3D technology market is rather impressive.
There are a lot of reasons for success of 3D printing, but the main are two: cheapening and acceleration of custom-made production. And today it is the creation of unique things that is a top priority of every brand.
But in order to understand new direction from scratch, to try to master the technology, it is no longer enough just to search for “3D-printing’ or go to the nearest studio and ask the owner about things, because the company has competitors, and hence the objectivity of t information would be doubtful.
Therefore, on June 5 St. Petersburg will host conference on advanced 3D printing and scanning technology - 3D Print Conference. St. Petersburg 2015 that brings together unbiased experts of 3D technology field.
For a comprehensive consideration of opportunities and ways to integrate 3D printing, conference will be divided into specialized panels; several speakers, experts in their particular field will perform in each.
Conference panels:
- 3D printing as business.
- 3D printing in medicine.
- 3D printing in mechanical engineering.
- 3D printing in education.
- Product markets.
- New business opportunities: how, where and out of what you can earn.
- Additive technologies: anti-crisis solutions.
- Design, prototyping and product preparation for mass production.
- 3D printing and jewelry.
- Industrial 3D printer. Printing with metal.
- Use of 3D printing technology in education.
- What will 3D printing do to copyright?
3D Print Conference. St. Petersburg will also include round table that will feature tripartite negotiations between representatives of business, science and public authorities.
For clarity, and comprehensive picture of the market, 3D Print Conference will be offer demo zone that will present various models of 3D printing equipment, including new items, that has not yet appeared in Russia.
Moreover, the conference will provide a kind of injection of knowledge covering necessary range of concepts and practical skills to master 3D technology. Namely, a series of master classes, chosen specifically for fast start in 3D printing field:
- Evolution of 3D scanning by the examples;
- Customization for 3D printing: design and implementation;
- 3D modeling - it is simple;
- Secrets of 3D technology;
- Design + 3D Printing.
For one day 3D Print Conference St. Petersburg offers the entire information base on 3D printing, independent search for it could take few months or even years. Do not miss your chance to quickly master new 3D technology market.
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