Intellectual property protection and security in 3D printing

In the age of 3D printing, one of burning issues is intellectual property protection and security. Indeed, capabilities of 3D printing are endless and 3D printers can work wonders, creating identical pieces of art in painting, sculpture, design etc.
This issue is especially important for companies, because engineers can work at complex parts for a few months. Many believe that destroying the sources after printing is not rational and modern way to do things. Fortunately, today market offers more "humane" options to maintain copyright in the field of 3D printing.
If you want your products to remain unique – we present you report of our special guest from Estonia - Anton Vedeshin; he will tell how to ensure the safety of your 3D models.
On February 13-14, for the first time in Moscow ECC "Sokolniki" will host exhibition of advanced 3D printing and 3D scanning technology - 3D Print Expo. We invite you to plunge into the world of three-dimensional printing, visiting major industry event, that will bring together leading experts, scientists, developers, vendors, and simply everybody interested in development of new technologies.
On 13February at 3D Print Expo Conference, Anton Vedeshin - CTO of Secured 3D, will speak on ways to prevent your 3D model from coming into hands of other people on its way to printer.
About speaker:
Anton Vedeshin is Chief Engineer of Secured 3D. Since 2005 he is a co-founder and head of Innovative Technologies & Business Systems. Member of the National Doctoral School of Estonia in Information and Communication Technology. Lecturer on cloud technologies at Tallinn University of Technology.
Secured 3D is engaged in providing cyber-security of companies, offering solutions for cloud 3D printing. In order to protect intellectual property of companies and designers, Secured 3D securely stores and using streaming data sends 3D models directly to 3D printer, bypassing any third parties, e-mails, information storages, and therefore not disclosing data of original 3D model. Solution offered by Secured 3D is approved by top manufacturers of 3D-printers.
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