MakerBot introduced its new developments

The world manufacturer of consumer devices for 3D printing MakerBot introduced a series of new developments for educational and professional spheres. In particular, renewed models of MakerBot Replicator hit the market. The company also produced new software, created an extra strong and flexible filament and added a lot of educational resources to the service Thingiverse Education.
Improved MakerBot 3D printers
The models Replicator+ and Replicator Mini+ are upgraded versions of previous devices with advanced functions. Now 3D printers are faster, the volume of a working chamber increased up to 25%, settings became easier and the print – more qualitative. The manufacturers enhanced structural solidity by adding more rigid Z-platforms and replaceable extruders. Moreover, both printers work absolutely noiselessly and guarantee a higher printing definition with a minimal risk of object deformation.
Before entering the market the models were tested during about 380 000 hours. So, consumers can be 100% sure that the product is of high quality.
Besides, to renew MakerBot Replicator+ and MakerBot Replicator Mini+ the company representatives resorted to services of the best specialists from Stratasys.
MakerBot Print software
MakerBot Print software comes with the MakerBot Mobile which allows users to easily adjust settings for additive manufacturing. After launch MakerBot Print optimizes the print depending on particular peculiarities of technological process.
Thanks to the built-in support of CAD-format users deal with a less amount of files and save time working with every prototype. Moreover, it can transfer all files to separate projects and amend them before printing.
New functions of the software such as Auto Arrange and Dynamic Print Settings allow automatic control of the object location on the working platform, the model’s definition and layer resolution. Due to additional software programs working with MakerBot 3D printers is easier, faster and more convenient.
Slate Gray Tough PLA Filament
The new consumable material is grey and is used to ensure a qualitative print of working prototypes and extra strong bindings. The filament features the best qualities of traditional polymer fibers ABS and PLA. It is strong and resistible to heavy load.
The consumable material goes with a special smart extruder MakerBot Tough PLA Smart Extruder+.
Educational service Thingiverse Education
Thingiverse Education platform is meant for educational purposes. The service has more than 100 plans of lessons about additive technologies and lots of useful information for students and teachers. The teachers can share their experience with others and get recommendations on how to make the process of studying 3D printing more effective and interesting.
The company representatives believe that their new developments will enable teachers, designers, engineers and everyone interested in additive technologies to materialize their ideas more quickly and effectively.