3D Print Expo 2016 will gather the leading world experts

The international event 3D Print Expo will take place in ECC Sokolniki on 17-18 November. Leading foreign and local experts will attend the largest in the CIS region 3D printing conference to discuss up-to-date topics and facilitate rapid development of the industry.
This year special attention was paid to the selection of speakers. Every speaker has a huge experience in the sphere of additive technologies, so all presentations will be based on successfully realized cases. 3D Print Expo 2016 conference promises to be truly interesting and useful for business development.
Each conference day will be dedicated to a specific group of questions:
- 17 November – topic “Development of additive manufacturing”;
- 18 November – topic “Use of 3D printing and scanning in different spheres and industries”.
The first day will also feature a round table with experts from Skolkovo.
Program of the first conference day
The first day, dedicated to industry issues and trends, will deliver presentations on characteristic aspects of the use of various materials for 3D printing. More specifically, research scientist of De Montfort University and founder at Future Factories studio Dr. Lionel T. Dean will reveal secrets of using precious metals and 3D printer for creating unique jewellery. Furthermore, senior scientist of Tomsk State University and innovation enterprise InTech-M Vladimir Promakhov will highlight the topic of the application of ceramic and composite materials.
Before starting the 3D printing process, it’s important to design and to prepare a model. All stages of 3D modeling, pitfalls and unique technological solutions for prototyping will be highlighted by the representative of Autodesk. It will be a practical case based on a real-life project with detailed description and valuable recommendations.
Special guest, representative of the world leader in the sphere of additive technologies, Materialise Company, Dieter Ghysbrecht will share secrets of his company’s success and tell about new quality control methods for 3D printing process.
Presentation from the founder of Singularity Company Andrey Panferov will provide answers to vital business questions: how to position your company, how to reveal customers’ needs, how to attract the target audience and 3D printing orders, what products and services in the sphere of 3D printing should be provided, etc.
Besides that, the first conference day will feature analytics, trends and estimates of the global 3D printing and scanning market, the latest investigations on the use of specific and new materials for 3D printing, etc.
In the end of the day Kiril Merenkov, specialist from Consistent Software Distribution, and Irina Suvorova, representative of M-Teck, will give presentations as part of the round table. They will speak about the use of modern 3D developments at manufacturing sites.
Also in the course of the discussion on the topic “Experience of application of additive technologies in the manufacturing and medicine” the following issues will be reviewed:
- Events of 2016 in the industry of additive technologies.
- Market consolidation or technological capability frontier.
- Startups that entered the market in 2016.
Discussion will be moderated by Alexander Fertam – research director of the Skolkovo Foundation's nuclear cluster.
Program of the second conference day
The second day of the conference will be dedicated to practical aspects of application of additive technologies in different manufacturing sectors and business spheres. Head of Ekaterinburg Cement Factory Rinat Brylin will tell about his experience of 3D-printed construction of a tower – an exact copy of the fortress Winterfell from Game of Thrones series. The topic of 3D print construction will be continued by the representative of Apis Cor Anna Chan-Yun-Tai, who will explain how the use of 3D printing makes residential property affordable, and allows turning construction into a quick and simple process.
Specialist at SPbPU Engineering Center and Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Evgeniy Belosludtsev will provide examples of implementation of 3D technologies in various industrial fields. The most successful and illustrative cases will be reviewed.
To showcase how additive technologies have changed the medial sphere, two leading experts will speak at the conference: orthopedic surgeon and cofounder of Italian digital bioprinting network Dr. Nicola Bizzotto, and head of laboratory of the Federal State-Funded Institution “Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Center” Roman Gorbatov. Speakers will introduce examples of application of 3D technology tools in surgery and orthopedics. Further, foreign guest – Dr. Nicola Bizzotto – will tell about the experience of implementation of the training course on 3D printing technologies for medical staff.
Dr. Lionel T. Dean will present his own case of the use of additive manufacturing for realization of the most challenging and creative art projects. He will speak about the strategies of unique generative design.
And naturally, the issue of implementation of 3D printing in the educational sphere will be discussed. President of the Association of 3D Education Roman Bondarenko will tell how to start training highly-qualified and demanded 3D print specialists at school.
Thus, all trends of 3D world will be covered during the second conference day: the use of additive technologies in construction, medicine, manufacturing, education and art.
3D Print Expo conference is an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest world achievements in the sphere of 3D technologies and to understand how advanced developments can be used for your own business development.