New 3D cloud funding service turns your 2D sketches into reality with 3D printing

The Japanese culture has its own unique forms of comic books and animation. Manga (comic books) and anime (animation) are extremely popular in Japan. Kids and fans love collect figures of their favorite characters. With the help of 3D printing, companies start offering 3D printed figures and allows users to personalize them with their favorite set of accessories.
Japanese company Emotional Brains,Inc. launches a crowd-funding platform Okuyuki, a unique 3D cloud funding services for creating 3D printed character figures and helping designers bring idea and design to their fans. Designers or artists can upload 2D sketches or a photo illustration of characters they design and launch their project on Okuyuki. Once the project reaches the target number of people in certain period, Okuyuki will then come in action.
Okuyuki will convert these 2D sketches to 3D CAD data and print out the figures using 3D printing. The figures are then delivered to the crowdfunding supporters. And designers will receive 10% of the sales from Okuyuki.
Ten projects are currently listed on Okuyuki platform, and two of them starts getting supporters. The 'Memorial Halloween daughter' (image above) is priced at 18,500 yen (about $189) and another 'Priestess' (below) is available for 25,000 yen (about $256).