Optomec to launch mass production of 3D printed flexible electronics

Optomec got huge investments for developing a method of 3D printing flexible hybrid electronics. A large concern NextFlex invested $3.1 in the project. The company was also supported by lots of world manufacturers and scientific institutions. They include Lockheed Martin and General Electric.
Optomec’s project aims to create an industrial additive manufacturing of dielectric objects on dimensional surfaces of irregular shape. Flexible electronics will be printed by Pilot Line system based on Optomec’s 3D installation.
Five-axis 3D printers work according to the method of aerosol spraying using photopolymers and other inks which adjust to the form of a complex base. The resolution amounts to 10 microns.
The head at NetFlex Malcolm Thompson announced that the consortium would make every effort to speed up the manufacturing of flexible electronics which is considered by representatives of industries, government entities and the academic community to be an interesting method.
In the future the technology of 3D printed light, inexpensive and high-quality flexible electronics will be on demand in various sectors: robotics, IoT, biomedicine, etc. Lockheed Martin Company is learning to use this method for manufacturing conformal sensors, antenna structures and other products.
Optomec’s project is one out of five parts of the program which aims to manufacture flexible electronics industrially. The program’s total budget is $45 million.
По материалам: 3dtoday.ru