Original 3D Printed Nails & Things at MAD Museum

Original 3D Printed Nails & Things at MAD Museum

Some genuinely innovate, attractive and fun applications of 3D printing can be found in the 3D printed works of New York City based digital artists Sarah C. Awad and Dhemerae Ford, which are now to be found at the MAD Museum in their native city. The two designers are collaboratively known as the Laser Girls and they have been working to add the 3rd dimension to the concept of nail art.

Some use intricate natural forms, such as a flower, rendered exquisite by: extrapolating the keyline of the form; creating balance by implicating the five flower petal pattern in symmetry at cutical and free edge of the nail plate with a third usage in the center; a larger ‘waterdrop’ shaped keyline in the center and most innovately extant over the edge of the design.

The allegorical connotations of femininity that arose by the adoption of the flower as a symbol of fertility in early human civilization are what this writer perceives, as with any art however, an element of open subjectivity is doubtless incorporated.

Some of their work uses basic geometry as the basis of the motif, such as Kingdom, which uses a Shapeways 3D printed brass material to augment the impact of the metallic tonality of the piece:

Others break into a very interesting use of creative lateral thinking upon the whole notion of what nail art is, combining the two traditional ornamentations of the feminine finger into one fascinating piece: The ring and the nail:

If fashion was a country it would rank 7th in global GDP — as big as Canada. The global apparel retail industry in 2011 reached a value of USD$1.1 trillion, projected by analysts to grow to$1.3 trillion in 2016. To this author’s mind, never has any sector so much represented the human predication for vanity — humans become superficial when they concentrate on the superficial. But, whilst the reader may roll his or her eyes at my last paragraph here, I wouldn’t want to leave you without a point of reflection — after all, that’s arguably the highest function of art… 3D printed nail art included!

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