Personal 3D printer YOU-SLS: high-quality home 3D printing

Personal 3D printer YOU-SLS: high-quality home 3D printing

Selective laser sintering (SLS) – a basic 3D printing technology that lies in step-by-step sintering of powder by means of superpower lasers.

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SLS 3D printing has been actively used for several tens of years due to its high quality. Besides, this technology was developed by Carl Deckard and Joe Beaman at the University of Texas at Austin as far as the mid-1980s. This was the milestone of development of additive technologies in the industry.

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SLS is successfully applied at enterprises of different spheres such as:

  • automobile and aerospace industries:
  • instrument engineering;
  • medicine;
  • art and architecture.

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3D printer YOU-SLS by American company InDemand is included in the range of personal 3D devices. That is why it is a perfect solution for home use.

Technical specifications



Build chamber, mm

130 × 130 × 130

Dimensions, mm

500 × 500 × 300


U. S.


Nylon PA12 Powder

How does a 3D printer YOU-SLS operate?

  1. A 2 W UV source operates on a 444 nm wave.
  2. For sintering, a diode laser or an analog 2W one is used.
  3. An operating room of the 3D printer has its own heating system.
  4. Only 10 °C are needed for lasers to reach the melting point.
  5. Sizes of the ready product can be 200 × 150 × 100 mm.
  6. The device operates on a board RAMPS and a usual one Arduino Mega.


  • A rectangular form allows the printer to produce longer details diagonally saving consumables during layer filling.
  • A three-way heating system permits to control temperature that should be lower than the melting point of the consumables. Another problem the system eliminates is product deformation during the printing process.
  • Hot and cold printer sections are in separate sectors placed one atop another. That is why high temperatures don’t prevent effectiveness of laser and electronic elements.
  • Reasonable price at about €50, free access to boards RAMPS and Arduino: they are available at many suppliers.

Application spheres

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With 3D printer YOU-SLS, it is possible to produce models for plastics molding in silicon, precise industrial objects, objects with complex geometry, details of mechanisms and engines.

What is more, a personal 3D printer YOU-SLS offers a wide assortment of possibilities for designers and manufacturers of various accessories. It can make the creation of souvenirs of all kinds easy experience: keychains, different figures, frames, other decorative details of the interior.


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