Prospects, future scenarios and technological problems of 3D Print by 2020

Industry of 3D printers is steadily growing under the same laws as any other high-tech device industry. As technology evolved and production became cheaper, 3D printers become a mass product, same as mobile phones and computers, which appeared first as expensive toys for wealthy people.
However, unlike mobile communication which is necessary for everybody and everywhere, 3D printing was first needed by rather limited categories of people - creative, artistic, business and active. Therefore, it is not surprising that 3D printing technology was first applied in design studios, offices of construction and architectural companies, design bureaus and in many research institutes of various industries.
Now, when 3D printer is a tool available for everybody, we can only guess what its future development scenario will be like. But we do not want to guess and, therefore, we have invited Umberto Giraudo - scientist and lecturer of British Higher School of Art and Design, who is competent to speak on what will happen to 3D printing in the next 10 years.
On 13-14 February, for the first time in Moscow, ECC "Sokolniki" will host exhibition of advanced 3D printing and 3D scanning technology - 3D Print Expo. We invite you to plunge into the world of 3D printing and visit major industry event, that will bring together well-known scientists, experts, developers, vendors, and everybody interested in development of new technologies.
Umberto Giraudo will speak at the conference on 14 February at 12:50 pm.
About speaker:
Umberto Giraudo is Lecturer at British Higher School of Art and Design and “Industrial Design” program curator. He graduated from Politecnico di Milano with a degree in "Industrial Design". In 2002 he worked in cooperation with Prof. Toshiroh Ikegami for the NGO Japanese "Eco Design Network". Has been involved into automotive design, design management and organizational work at the International Geneva Motor Show. Later on, started working at concept development and surface modeling for a new fireman trucks in airports.
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