The secret of the video of a singing 3D printed statue revealed

The secret of the video of a singing 3D printed statue revealed

The video of a singing art piece made everyone believe in the miracles of modern technologies. Though some people supposed that computer graphics was involved in the video’s creation. In fact the video clip doesn’t have any special effects. Instead creators used 60 3D printed sculptures and a popular stop-motion animation.

Stop-motion is the oldest type of animation which was used at the dawn of film industry. It is the technique of recording a video of static objects the postures of which are gradually changed. A dynamic video sequence appears as a result of the film editing. 

That is how the video of the singing statue was created. By means of stop-motion designers took 2700 photos of 60 3D printed items. After that film frames were properly composed into a single continuous high-quality tape. The video of the statue singing the song by Dan Sultan proved to be funny and entertaining. By the way, it would have been less interesting if designers had used the opportunities of computer graphics. 

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