Save $224 With This 3D-Printed Adapter To Affix Google Glass To Standard Frames

Google is now selling its own Glass-compatible frames for prescription lenses, but they’ll set you back $225 a pair, lenses not included. That’s a bit steep, especially when you’ve already forked over $1,500 for Glass itself. A DIY project from design studio Pixil 3D can modify Glass to work with your existing prescription glasses for under $1 in material costs, provided you already have a 3D printer (or still way under even if you have to get someone else to print it on demand).
The adapter is just a simple plastic clip, but it seems to work well based on the demo video, and again there’s the $224 in savings you’ll net from not buying Google’s official option. In case you’re worried about how hard it is to modify Glass, it really just involves the removal of a single screw. As for the 3D printing portion, that might require visiting a local shop with a 3D printer, but the costs associated with that usually don’t exceed a few bucks.
Project creators Noé and Pedro Ruiz started Pixil 3D in South Florida to design and prototype innovative gadgets with 3D printers. They’ve made some pretty cool stuff, including this 3D animated BMO from Adventure Time with a programmable LED face.
Glass is still a device with a very limited user base, but if it does make its way to the consumer market later this year as is apparently planned, then this handy little gadget could be a useful cost-saver for a much larger group of people.