Additive production of fabrics to be launched in Moscow suburbs

Russian company DGTex and representatives of the special economic zone GDP QUADRAT are going to organize the production of 3D printing fabrics in Stupino.
The textile enterprise will be launched in the near future. The founding company has already acquired all the necessary equipment. According to the representative of the Moscow region authorities Denis Butsaev, the enterprise will use additive technologies for creation and processing of textiles. He also said that about 200 million rubles were invested in the project.
Representatives of the Moscow Region Development Corporation are sure that only the introduction of innovations will help to sidestep foreign rivals in the textile industry. The use of 3D printing and the technological base of GDP QUADRAT will help the Russian company to become competitive on the world market.
DGTex plans to create approximately 2.5 million meters of fabric per year. For achieving this goal, the company will employ about 100 qualified employees.
Thus, Stupino will become a kind of a center for additive production of textiles.