3Dmarket is One of First in Russia Three-Dimensional Printing Resources that will Participate in 3D Print Expo!

3D Print Expo will be held in Moscow within a period of October 23-25, 2014. The exhibition will be dedicated to the three-dimensional printing technology and will be attended by 3Dmarket resource. This is a team of young professionals promoting 3D printing and other innovative technologies.
At the exhibition the resource is preparing to introduce its own developments in the field of 3D printing. All guests of the event at the company stand will be able to get advice on any matters relating to the three-dimensional printing technology.
The website was launched in early 2012 and became one of the first projects promoting three-dimensional technology. Today 3Dmarket.org is the largest within Russia and the CIS database of free 3D-models for 3D printers, which provides an opportunity to order 3D printing of any product without leaving home.
The resource is also a unique three dimensional printing service exchange on a by - order basis. It is a community of manufactures, which can be joined by any owner of 3D-printer. Anyone can register on the website as a manufacturer, and then take print orders from other users. There is also an opportunity for further laser correction and shaping.
3D market team consists of passionate programmer, specialist in CNC machine tools, marketer and PR-manager who look forward to seeing you at 3D Print Expo. Professionals are willing to share their experiences and reveal the secrets of the successful application of 3D printers and scanners.