3D Printing in Healthcare: Presentation by Roman Gorbatov, Head of Additive Technologies Laboratory

What healthcare sectors are already applying additive technologies? What operative measures using 3D printing are taken in Russian clinics? How do 3D technologies help to treat patients?
These issues will be revealed by Roman Gorbatov, Head of Additive Technologies Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Privolzhsky Research Medical University’ of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. On October 4, at 3D Print Expo, he will make a presentation: Modern achievements of medical 3D printing.
Key points:
- legal support of medical 3D printing;
- key 3D printing technologies applied in healthcare;
- core areas of the medical 3D printing development in the Russian Federation and other countries;
- dynamics of the medical 3D printing growth in Russia;
- new 3D printing solutions: software, materials, and equipment;
- types of free operations using 3D printing. Results of patient treatment;
- new achievements in designing individual endoprostheses, orthoses, insoles, patterns for training and pre-surgery planning;
- the outcome of 3D printing application in dentistry, pharmacology, as well as the production of rehabilitation means, organs, and tissues (bioprinting);
- clinical examples of 3D technologies to treat patients.
Roman Gorbatov is a doctor, first category trauma orthopedist, Associate Professor of the Department traumatology, and military surgery named after Kolokoltsev. He is a Doctor of Medical Science.
The speaker is a board member of the Association of 3D printing specialists in healthcare. He is also a member of the International Association of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, the Association of Russian trauma orthopedists, and the International traumatology association – AOTrauma.
Roman is the owner of five patents for invention and the author of one innovation proposal. Besides, he wrote more than 35 articles. The expert regularly participates in various symposia, conferences, seminars, and workshops dedicated to traumatology and orthopedics.
You will be able to discover more about 3D printed items for healthcare from the speaker at the exhibition.