Online 3D printing service Prototypster will take part in 3D Print Expo

February 13-14, 2014 ECC "Sokolniki" will host first Russian expo-forum dedicated to advanced 3D printing technology 3D Print Expo. Soon leading manufacturers and suppliers of 3D equipment, experts and industry professionals interested in partnership, acquiring new customers, development of 3D technology and raising the level of technical competence in Russia will meet on one platform.
And we continue to present you our participants. So we would like to bring to your attention Russian online 3D printing service Prototypster.
Prototypster offers a wide range of solutions, which are more than just printing. Mission of this service is to make 3D printing process more interactive and affordable.
Website provides following opportunities for those looking for fast and accurate implementation of their ideas:
- easy-to-learn 3D modeling with applications for models creation;
- online editor of 3D models for preparation for printing;
- modern equipment and first-class materials;
- high efficiency of model post-processing;
- gallery to introduce and sell the result of your creative work.
During the exhibition you will find unique models 3D printed on company equipment, great gifts and much more interesting at Prototypster’s booth.
Prototypster provides everyone with opportunity to create and change the world around us with amazing things. There is only one step from idea to product, and if you are looking for a reliable business partner for product development and production, Prototypster is at your service!