Specialized 3D Printing Service Will Present its Products at 3D Print Expo

Customized 3D printing service 3dprintus.ru has joined 3D Print Expo, Russia’s first three-dimensional printing exhibition.
Internet service aims to make 3D printing available to every client, by using various materials.
Service operates the following way: client makes order at company’s website or by the phone-call, then designers use special programs to create 3D model of the object and print it from the chosen materials. Finally, the object can be shipped to clients from Russia and CIS countries.
More than 10 kinds of materials are available for complex 3D printing. They are: solid and flexible plastic, detailed smooth white plastic, detailed smooth transparent plastic, endurable plastic (monochrome, dichromatic, trichromatic printing), smooth plastic (monochrome, dichromatic, trichromatic printing), as well as different metals: gold, silver, platinum, bronze, white bronze and yellow metal.
Metal printed products are moulded with the help of high-definition 3D printer and a wax cast.
3dprintus.ru offer its customers free3D printing aid, 24 hour client support and widespread affiliate network in Russia and CIS territory.
At 3D Print Expo, which will take place on the 13th – 14th of February in ECC Sokolniki (Moscow), the exhibitor company will demonstrate its activity from the pragmatic angle. Everyone interested will be able to learn about the technology, ask questions and communicate with company representatives.
Thematic exhibition will become the first event of such scale, aiming to realize the 3D printing potential and new possibilities for business. Exhibition program will include discussions about development and prospects of 3D printing in Russia.